How to Use Summer to
Build a Better College Resume
Thursday, January 11 at 6:30 pm ET
January 11 only!

Did you know that what you do this summer can become a poignant topic to help you tell your story in your college essay?
What We Will Cover:

 When you’re applying to college, you’ll have about 12 minutes to set yourself apart on your college application. That’s how long, on average, an admissions counselor will spend reviewing what you say on your activities list and essay(s).

Will what you say in these sections help you stand out from the 70,000 other similarly qualified applicants? Will you have a personal and authentic story to tell 
that can set you apart?

This webinar will teach you exactly what you need to do to develop and tell your unique story. You’ll learn the following: 
  • Exactly what college admissions offices are looking for in a college resume and wholistic application

  • How others have used the summer to learn new skills, make an impact while exploring and developing an authentic voice…and how you can do so as well

  • What admissions offices are really asking in their supplemental questions and how the essay questions offer you a unique opportunity to tell them exactly what you’ll bring to their campus
  • More!
Andrea Maldonado, Ph.D., Dir. of Educator Relations and International Admissions at National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC)

 Scott Ingram, Dir. of Admissions at Rustic Pathways

Hosted by:
Peter Ratzan, President, Your College Concierge
Carla Holness, YCC Associate and former Admissions Counselor

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